Seasonal British Food

celebrate seasonal food

with our passionate professionals

Baking courses

make delicious bakes

with Our Hands-on Courses

Butchery and knifeskills

beef,lamb,pork & game butchery

With Our National Champion Butcher

BBQ cooking courses

smoking & grilling bbq courses

Master Outdoor Cooking with Us

Gift vouchers

book a course or buy a voucher

Upskilling for foodies or intro courses for newbies

World foods

immerse yourself in world foods

in our purpose built cookery school

Great flavours using simple ingredients

learn to create great flavours

using simple ingredients with pro tips

Bread making courses

Learn artisan bread making

With World-Class Experts

Fish cooking courses

create elegant dishes

guided by our expert chef tutors

Pasta making courses

create delicious world cuisine

with Our Seasoned Chefs

Mediterranean cooking courses

entertain your friends

With Dishes You Can Replicate at Home

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